Court Help LimitedOct 1What is a No Contact Court Order? The Family Court orders that there should be no contact or no direct contact between a parent and their child.
Court Help LimitedSep 12How Do I Prepare for a Cafcass Call? Who are CAFCASS? Will CAFCASS call me? What is a safeguarding letter? How do I prepare for a CAFCASS phone call?
Court Help LimitedApr 1, 2021Cafcass, Section 7 reports and more.What is Cafcass? What is a Section 7 report, why is it needed and what does it mean? How can I raise an issue with a Section 7 report?
Court Help LimitedFeb 6, 2021What is Parental Alienation? What is parental alienation? How do I spot it and what are it's effects on a child?