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What is a Women's Refuge and can I stay in one?

Writer's picture: Court Help LimitedCourt Help Limited


What is a women's refuge?

What Is a Women's Refuge? A refuge provides women with a safe house where they can stay free from fear of physical and emotional harm from domestic violence, and where they can live with their children while they get the support they need to move on with their lives. Most refugees have confidential telephone numbers, some have addresses that are not listed in the telephone directory or online so that women in abusive relationships can find them without the risk of being found by their partners. There are over 500 refuge and support services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

An overview of women’s refuges

What is a women's refuge?

Women’s refuges are safe houses where women and children who are experiencing domestic abuse can stay free from fear. Women’s refuges addresses (and sometimes telephone numbers) are confidential. There are over 500 refuge and support services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many places offering support to women suffering domestic violence may call themselves refugees, but they may not be affiliated with Refuge or have any of its specific training or services. Refuges provide beds, food and laundry facilities as well as physical safety for women who want to leave abusive partners.

What help can I get at Women's Refuge?

What help can I get at a Women's refuge?

Refuge staff provide information about welfare benefits, legal advice, counselling and practical help for moving on from an abusive relationship. Women can stay at refuge for as long as they need to – some women choose to leave their partners permanently, while others plan carefully before returning home. In an emergency, women can be accepted into a refuge straight away – after receiving an assessment of their individual needs. If you call a refuge in advance to find out if they have space available, you should be told whether or not you need to call back during office hours. Some refugees are open 24 hours so it’s important to ask when calling whether or not they have accommodation available at all times. Read more: How can I contact a women's refuge?

How can I contact a women's refuge?

There are many reasons why women seek refuge in these homes. They often leave with only their clothes and what they can carry, but find themselves safe from further violence and abuse... Support from Women's Refuge: Refuge offers a place to stay where people can rest and recuperate away from abuse and threats of violence. If necessary, refuge workers also help with practical matters such as money issues and dealing with legal papers or housing problems... Is there a Women's Refuge near me?: You may feel that you have nowhere else to turn for support. If you are thinking about escaping abuse or violence, please call our confidential national 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247. Our trained staff will be able to give you advice on what services are available in your area.

Why a refuge may be necessary

Safe House for Domestic Abuse victims

For those who need refuge help, support and advice. If you are living with domestic abuse you can call for free on 0808 2000 247 you can alse visit for immediate help and information. A legal right to live in your own home or flat without fear of violence or harassment is covered by a non-molestation order (NMO). There may be other orders which can provide protection such as occupation orders or personal protection injunctions. Sometimes people do not take these seriously when they should, so it’s important to know what an NMO involves so that you understand what you can do next if your rights have been violated.

How to find a Women's Refuge if you need it?

More information is available here.

A women's refuge may provide temporary housing for women and children in immediate danger from domestic abuse. It can offer practical help, counselling and emotional support, legal advice, information on housing rights and benefits, and access to other services. Refuge also operates a 24-hour helpline which you can contact on 0808 2000 247 if you have nowhere else to turn.

The long term effects of living with Domestic Abuse

Long term effects of domestic abuse?

Women and men who have suffered from domestic abuse often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as well, if physically abused then as many physical injuries such as broken bones and burns. Women who have been abused by their partners often have no money left after being controlled by them so they may also require financial assistance if they cannot work because of their injuries or mental health issues caused by abuse. Many women do not know where to turn to when they are suffering from domestic abuse so it is important that there are places like refuges where they can seek help without fear of judgement or further violence.

What are women's refuges like?

What is refuge like? Women's refuges provide care, support and protection from an abusive partner. They may be able to offer accommodation in safe houses for women and children. Refuge services aim to empower you by helping you make informed choices about your future. Refuge staff should not give advice about your options, but will listen and try to understand what has happened to you.

The safety of women and children who use refuge services is paramount, so all refuges have strict rules about confidentiality - information about any client can only be shared with others if there is serious risk of harm or if someone’s life or liberty could be at risk (for example, if they were at risk of being taken abroad). Staff will work with you on how best to manage any contact between you and your partner while you are using their service.

What does women's refuge do?

Women’s refuges provide emergency accommodation and support for women and children who are experiencing domestic violence. Most refuges also offer follow-up support, helping women find safe, stable housing, employment and independent living. they may also be able to help you get specialist legal advice. Refuge addresses (and sometimes telephone numbers) are confidential. There are over 500 refuge and support services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Where in the UK are there women's refuges?

There are over 500 refuge and support services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

If you’re in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise you can contact your local Women’s Aid. The refuges are also listed on national websites like Refuge and Women's Aid Federation of England. It’s also easy to find your nearest women's refuge using Google Maps or Google Local: both make it possible to search for nearby services that match what you need. In just one click, you can see their location and contact details.

If you need help to get protection through a Non Molestation order you can choose to contact us at 07375757510 or

Though Non-Molestation Orders are made under the Family Law Act, our firm, Court Help Limited, specializes in Non-Molestation Order Defence and knows of the impact of the Non-Molestation Orders on those who are falsely accused when the applicants misuse the powers of the Non-Molestation Order.

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